Blooms of Montréal (2016)
Crowds uttering indistinct chatters
in a language I barely understood
But I so appreciated and loved
that it felt to me they were
vomiting smudges of Monet’s paintings
with every syllable
Not even a prairie of sunflower
if they could sing and whistle
would dare to compare
nor try to resemble
And I so appreciated and loved
that I wanted to fathom
what makes disparity so enthralling
that some crappy speech about the weather
could be oh-so very otherworldly.
Kalau baca Montreal langsung inget ke dosen favorit-ku dan kisahnya yang pernah kuliah disana. Cantik banget foto-fotonya, mbak 😍
Thank you udah jalan-jalan ke blogku yang ini Mba <3 appreciate the kind words much!