There’s this fraction of a state
between unconscious and awake
Where truth becomes distorted
but not disintegrated altogether
Like an intervening period between existing and perishing
in a transit bridge between now and not-so-far later
In that short span of existence
I was among a flock of birds flying south
Perhaps escaping from winter, or just imitating others
like withstanders that we are
And I could perceive a pair of feathered hands
as I lifted my skeleton off the ground
What a warmth I had been wrapped in
in that illusionary vision
that I didn’t wish to ever have to flee
had I been able to remain therein
even if I then became only a spectator
as I fleeted into subliminal fiction
But a day needed my saving
like those before, and those after
so I was hauled back into this cognisance
where I now preserve you into poetry.
wah gambarnya keren, mohon izin menggunakannya nanti ada saat ngajar materi tentang sejarah amerika kuno, nanti sih di semester berikut. soalnya gambar ini diambil dari sudut yang berbeda dan membuat Machu pichu kelihatan lebih hidup. wah kayaknya bisa jadi materi yg bagus untuk anak2, apalagi mereka bisa belajar sejarah sekaligus sastra.
Silakaaan. Makasih udah berkunjung, jarang2 ada yang ke sini hehe. Makasih juga apresiasinya, semoga nanti fotonya bermanfaat buat murid2nya! 😀